Resources – Families

Resources - Families
Happy couple
Is your child using AI safely?
Check out our new guide for practical tips and conversation starters to help your child engage with Gen AI safely and productively.
Happy couple
Young boy and his mother and father enjoying an activity on a notebook
Passphrase passport and activity sheets
Our Passphrase Passport supports young children to learn some simple digital defence moves. Try it together and explore our new colouring sheets and word search activities.
First smartphone GIF
First Phone Readiness Quiz
Our First Phone Readiness Quiz can help you decide whether your child might be ready for their own smartphone, and what are the things to look out for after they get their first device.
First smartphone GIF
Two young boys and their dad having fun outside
First Phone Readiness
While there is a lot of advice around the “best age” to get a smartphone, you are best placed to assess your child’s readiness based on their level of maturity and critical thinking capability.
Young woman and her mother enjoying an activity on a laptop inside
Passphrases, passwords and MFA for your child
As a parent, you want your child to enjoy technology safely. Hackers can steal your identity, pretend to be you and send private images/messages and hurtful content. This resource is designed to help you have a structured conversation with your children about building strong digital defence moves.
Young woman and her mother enjoying an activity on a laptop inside
Three young boys and their mother enjoying an activity together on a laptop.
Safeguard your child’s privacy on popular apps and games
If your child has a social media account or is on a gaming platform, help them to stay safe by setting profiles to private and limiting the information they share online.
A young woman and her mother looking pensively at a laptop.
Blocking unwanted contact for your child
Help protect your child by talking to them about blocking unwanted contact with the help of privacy settings, reporting options and more.
A young woman and her mother looking pensively at a laptop.
A young man, his sister and father take a selfie together outside whilst holding icecream cones.
Balancing time online
Achieving digital balance is good for mental and physical health, so get to know the signs that your child needs a break and talk regularly about how tech can set them up for healthy screen habits.
A young woman is looking at her smartphone whilst her father pensively looks on.
Cyberbullying: What to say when things go wrong online
Young people don’t always share when they are experiencing cyberbullying so it’s important to have open and engaging conversations about it.
A young woman is looking at her smartphone whilst her father pensively looks on.
A woman contently looking at her laptop with her child beside her.
Recognising hackers, scammers and fake friends
You can help young people avoid veering into the path of cyber criminals by showing them some simple digital defence moves.
A young woman and her father converse whilst looking at a laptop.
Stay ahead of scams through family discussions
We need to prepare our children for the unavoidable exposure to scams, as cybercriminals become more sophisticated and better disguised.
A young woman and her father converse whilst looking at a laptop.
A family enjoying time together whilst watching their dad’s phone
Optus is for Families
Everything you need to know to connect your family safely.
Taryn Brumfitt the founder of Body Image Movement
Connected Families

Check out some great resources to help you and your family navigate the internet and the latest tech. It's fun advice to fit all sizes.

A mother and daughter embracing whilst enjoying time on their laptop
Two women smiling together while on a laptop
Digital Thumbprint Parent Nights
Optus Digital Thumbprint for parents and caregivers is a free seminar about the challenges of the digital world that young people face – and how to deal with them.
Additional help and support
Take action by contacting:
  • eSafety Commissoner to report cyberbullying, image-based abuse, and illegal and restricted content
  • Australian Cyber Security Centreto report cybercrime, including online threats and abuse, scams and hacks, data breaches, identity theft and fraud
  • Scamwatch to report scams
  • Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation to report online grooming and inappropriate contact
  • IDCARE to get identity theft, data breach, scam and cyber security support
  • Father and daughter focusing on a mobile phone
    kids help line logo
    If your child needs to talk to someone about their feelings or worries, they can contact:
  • Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 for free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling services
  • 13YARN on 13 92 76 (24/7) for a free, private and confidential talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter
  • Digital Thumbprint © 2023. All rights reserved. | T: 1800 334 036 | E: | Privacy Policy